Last year, journalists from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project posed as rosewood buyers and were promised that 80 percent of their purchase would be freshly cut, direct from the forest. 4.6 out of 5 stars. Her writing has appeared in the Atlantic, Newsweek, WiredUK, and other publications. A few of the houses, usually made from dried palm leaves and stalks, now have concrete foundations and solar panels. Basically, as long as an item is not for sale and is simply for personal use, you can travel with it internationally. Areas at risk for future illegal rosewood logging in Madagascar. gtag('js', new Date()); Not Now. Strengthening the law is a start, but in practice, conserving rosewood is only possible if source countries and timber dealers make it a priority. In recent decades, China’s rising middle and upper classes have sought to “buy back” their cultural heritage, Zhu says. Wholesale wood dealer Chun Rong Chen stands with logs of a threatened rosewood species at his store in Zhangjiagang. Back in his office, Chen sits on a dark-hued three-seater sofa — made of rosewood, of course — and discusses his business while brewing loose-leaf white tea. Danish furniture pulled from sale over CITES More than 80 lots of Danish rosewood furniture were withdrawn from Sworder’s January 28 sale of Decorative Art and Design after advice that their sale contravened the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. Sandy Ong, The warehouses contain rosewood from Southeast Asia, West Africa, Madagascar, and islands in the Pacific, such as the Solomon Islands, which have recently seen feverish exploitation. Waterways around Fampotakely, Madagascar run blood red from rosewood stored underwater while waiting for ships to transport it to China. Rosewood Fishbowl Stand $70.00 over 15% off. Despite an outcry from civil society groups, he was convicted of defamation. Its export would be coordinated with government officials, the seller assured them. Yet its population has exploded to 5,000 in recent years. Share Share Share Share. Sofa & Dining (10) Beds & Wardrobes (7) Other Household Items (2) Locations. Owning rosewood furniture has long conveyed a status of wealth in China. Almost all of the rosewood is headed to China, where its lustrous red interior is used in traditional hongmu furniture, and a single bed made from Madagascar rosewood can cost $1 million. He’s thought to be close to the timber barons, and conservationists fear that another major rush to the rainforests could commence. To prevent the illegal logging and trafficking, rangers in rapid response teams patrol from the Khao Yai National Park, just 120 kilometers from Bangkok, to Ta Phraya on the Cambodia border. It is overexploited in the wild, despite a 2010 moratorium on trade and illegal logging, which continues on a large scale. Wood products companies are advised to make sure their trading partners are in compliance with the new regulation, even for material shipped before the rule implementation on January 2. “The relationship with China and Madagascar is not fair and equal. Let's talk! Vyttila (3) Mundamveli (1) Poonithura (1) Cherai (1) Thevara (1) Chullickal (1) Kadavanthra (1) Palarivattom (1) Edakochi (1) Thripunithura (1) Ernakulam (1) Filters. An e360 investigation follows the trail of destruction and corruption from the forests of Madagascar to furniture showrooms in China. Often, the phone number is scrawled directly onto the logs in colored chalk. International nonprofits such as Forest Trends and Global Witness are advocating for tighter timber legislation, modeled on the EU Timber Regulation or the U.S. Lacey Act, that forces companies to take responsibility for the sourcing of their wildlife-based products. In West Africa, the demand has created logging frenzies, with exports of lower-quality “kosso” rosewood increasing 1,000-fold over roughly the same period, according to the customs data. See: There are winners and losers. Edward Carver. Warehouses with towering stacks of logs and planks stretch as far as the eye can see — and this is only one of about 25 industrial parks in Zhangjiagang. Forgot account? A Rocha wants Forestry Commission to probe illegal rosewood felling. //-->
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