When they’re old enough, they will form their own pairs—provided, of course, that the group contains at least one member of each sex. The German blue ram can become at least 3 years old. 36. However, you can find variations on colors, spots, and patterns depending on the environment they’re raised in. German Blue Ram tank mates. You can keep electric blue rams on their own or in a mated pair. These fish are quite intelligent and can quickly recognize you when it’s feeding time. Comments: These are fabulous fish with vibrant colors. To keep German blue ram cichlids, keep them in a tank that holds at least 10 gallons of water, and install a heater in the tank since German blue ram cichlids prefer water that's between 82 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Need advice on Balloon ram tank mates. For this reason, you should only keep one male in a tank. Are you looking to add aquarium plants to your setup? Like other cichlids, they have an extra set of teeth in their throat. It has a large yellow dorsal fin with black at the front edge and red … If you’re a fan of gouramis but don’t have a large enough tank, the dwarf gourami is a good alternative. Care level: Intermediate Max size of fish: 6 inches Temperature range: 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 5.5 to 7.5. The fry are normally free swimming after five days or so but will not be allowed to forage on their own—the parents will always accompany them to keep them safe. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: A well established 20 gallon / 80 litre One of the more recent additions to the aquarium trade is the electric blue ram, a color morph of the ram cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) that was developed in 2009.
Any aggressive sort of fish shouldn’t be housed with electric blue rams. But, I am reading everywhere that ten gallon is way too small for a couple of balloon rams. You’ll also need to purchase more than one, so they’re more comfortable in your aquarium. LiveAquaria_404_121219. Can blue rams live with tank mates? Mollies come in all different sizes and colors, so they’re yet another fish that’ll add dimension to your aquarium.\n
Ram’s are very peaceful, beautiful, and easy to care for making them a beautiful dwarf cichlid that’s great for people who are new to keeping fish. Mikrogeophagus ramirezi lives in the Orinoco river basin (Venezuela, Colu… For balloon rams, because they are an entirely different kind of fish means that they might have different side effects, if any at all. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What fish can live with Rams? See the full article on TFH Digital http://www.tfhdigital.com/tfh/201203#pg77. The guppy is one of the main staples of a wonderfully put-together freshwater aquarium. These fish bear live young and are one of the biggest of this type of fish.If you’re looking for the ideal tank mates for your blue rams, here are 12 of the best ones to choose from.
Is your couple being bullied by their tankmates? I have a ten gallon cycled tank and i was wondering if 3 balloon mollys and... Can balloon molies and sailfin mollies mate ? Both Rams and Guppies are peaceful fish and will get along very well.Ram's are very peaceful, beautiful, and easy to care for making them a beautiful dwarf cichlid that’s great for people who are new to keeping fish.
Make sure you only add neon Tetras to already-established tanks. It should be noted that Golden rams and rams with unusual bodies tend to be more sensitive than the normal wild-type German blue ram. After opening for their old tour mates, comments made in several publications around town touted the Rockets / J. Geils show as the "best of the summer". Saved from liveaquaria.com. Care level: Intermediate Max size of fish: 2.5 inches Temperature range: 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit pH range: 6.8 to 7.5.